So, I guess it's time for me to get this sketch blog started proper, isn't it. Well, here we go?

Spock is green because, let's face it folks, that's just the only thing that makes sense. I've gotten into Star Trek lately, pretty much out of nowhere. Just when I thought I couldn't get any lower, I become a Trekkie. At least I don't speak Klingon, right?

Some Scott Pilgrim lineart I've had sitting around forever... maybe I'll do something with it someday. Maybe.

A crappy scan of the lineart I plan to use to concoct a new layout for BFK. I half hate this half love it.

Some pages from my sketchbook that were being used for incentives on TopWebcomics. I submit no excuse for either of theses, except that the psych joke mentioned in the second one is that the facial features we associate with beauty in women (bigger eyes, fuller lips, stronger jaws) are actually all manly features, and vice versa, and that humanity is, at it's core, pretty darn gay.
'Kay, that's enough of that. Don't expect these things to be this long most of the time, I just had a fair bit of crap lying around that was clogging my systems. C:
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