Monday, October 19, 2009


Hey guys! I scanned some stuff! Here it is!

I offer no explanation.

The Gunga Diner from Watchmen. I pretty much just copied this from the book... not very creative, but I just wanted to try and put my own spin on it. :B I started inking this. I might finish one day.

Shaman King: Flowers fanart. Somewhere between excited for a continuation of my favorite comic and confused as to why it exists. None the less, expect more fanart.
spoiler*I do love me some Uncle God C:*


  1. this is anna
    lmfao dog thing is that teddi or something

    and oh god Hercules please no

  2. always shaman king

    Lauren's dog Sasha doesn't like Ellie very much or something

  3. ...lauren has a dog named sasha what

  4. oh yeah

    yeah they got her this end of summer

    it was weird and confused me
