Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Test + Tegaki + Ultimo = ?

AWWRIIIIGGGHHHHTTTT bipolar disorder and cyclothemia here I come!

Moving on.

A couple of my recent tegakis. I won't post them all here, but I really like these two. The first one is Seirei's dad/Hoshi's grandpa, Takeshi. He's, like, Ainu or something.

Not sure what the second one is. Maybe a ninja?

I like Ultimo, so I tried to draw fanart. Neither of them have correct hair, mind you. Ultimo looks like a red hedgehog and Yamato just looks like he just got out of the shower. I'm sorry, Takei. I'm ruining your characters again.

Okay, I think this entry's long enough, now. Ending this.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


A comic I did a few months ago when I was feeling down. It's about growing up, I guess.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Shaman King... question thing + poster to justify it

1. Who is your favourite Shaman King (or Funbari no Uta) character(s?
Yoh's my homeboy. Though I'm also quite partial to Horo Horo and Ren.

2. What is your favorite pairing?
YohxAnna 'cuz I'm cool like that

3. Are you a SK yaoi or hentai fan?
Nay, it makes me cringe

4. Ever cosplayed SK characters? If so, who, where and how many times?
Does ghetto cosplay count?

5. List your collection of SK junk and merchandise, if any.
A wallscroll, about half of the books (I'm slowly but surely buying them), some trading cards, uhhh dumb dub disk that came with the cards ummm I think I had a Ren pin at one point

6. Have you ever felt that you were destined to be with a SK character? If so who?
Pssh, I always figured I was them.

7. YohAnna or HaoAnna?
YohAnna all the way

8. HoroxRen or HaoxYoh?
Is neither a viable option?
...besides, guys, incest just isn't cool.

9. Which team is your favourite?
The Ren. They have the best dynamics.

10. Do you know who are Redseb and Seyrarm?
Yes, Redseb's cool but Seyrarm's such a deadbeat.

11. Do you think that Pino is a considerable competition for HoroHoro?
Yes, both on a fighting level and a coolness-level. Ainu and Gaelic are like my two favorite mythologies. Right up there with Norse and Finnish.

12. Your favourite X-LAWs member?
Uhhh I guess Lyserg. Though I do like Jeanne and Marco, too.

13. Are you pro-Hao or anti-Hao?
I like Hao. I don't necessarilly think he should get his way as its presented when he's first introduced, but I think he's whole deal worked out nicely in the grand scheme of things.

14. Have you seen all Shaman King episodes so far? (including the Omake and the OVAs)
Somehow, I struggled through them. I especially enjoyed the characters standing around crosseyed in the background for entire scenes.

15. Have you read all the chapters so far?
Yes. Chapter 251 is my favorite, as well as 287 KZB. And 299 KZB.

16. Who is your favourite Hao's follower?.
Peyote's the shit, man.

17. Sub or dub?
Sweet Jesus who would willingly subject themselves to the dub? The only episode out of the entire 64-episode saga that doesn't make me cringe is ep 50. With Ren's (Len's?) epic freakout scene and the .hack//SIGN music in the background.

18. Pro-Anna or Anti-Anna?
I love Anna, truth be told.

19. What do you think of Hao's ideals?
I think he's a little batshit, but with some guidance he'd come around.

20. Chocolove = annoying or funny?
Oh I love him so much. Nearly everything about his character, really.

21. Ryu= sexy or ugly?
I must say, I dig the eyelashes.

22. Which character would be the best crossdresser?
Marco. He's a ballerina.

23. Luchist = weird looking or awesome looking?
I think he's pretty badass.

24. Which character would be best OOC? Who and how?
I don't know; I honestly can't really stand making characters OOC.

25. Do you like SK fanfics?
There was this one I read once that was really funny, but it seems to have disappeared off the face of the internet. If anyone knows what happened to Gangsta Shamans, could you please send it to me? :<

26. Do you write SK fanfics?
Once upon a time. Luckily, I grew out of that.

27. Have you read any SK doujinshi?
I don't think so, actually. Suprisingly enough.

28. Do your parents know any Shaman King characters?
Yeah, my mom knows a few I think. And my grandma knew some, we used to read it together.

29. Do you know (almost) every SK characters' birthday?
I know Ren's because it's New Years, I know Tokageroh's because it's ten days before mine, and I know Horo Horo's because it's three days after mine.

30. Have you read The Shaman King ultimate news about manga?
Uhh depends on what this news is

31. Have you ever got someone else hooked on Shaman King?
Yes, now I have small following with which to gather. C:

32. Have you ever been drawing SK in school and have someone randomly say "WOAH! you like SK too!?"
Yeah, actually. It was then followed by, "I used to love that show when I was little!" :x

33. Have you ever been in class drawing SK and the teacher comes up to you and says "wtf is this?"
Not really, no.

34. Has SK affected your school life and grades?
It single-handedly caused me to almost fail 6th grade.

35. Are you broke thanks to SK ?
Naw, I'm broke thanks to video games. And comic books. Which includes Shaman King, so... yeah. I guess I am broke thanks to Shaman King.

36. Do you want to read the ManJiEn (Manta's encyclopedia)?
Yeah, I love every promise of backstory.

38. Do you draw SK fanart? If so, count how many there is in your gallery.
From time to time, yes. I think I have like 5 pictures in my gallery on dA, over the course of like 3 years.

40. Do you have a Shaman King OC?
I used to have this one guy called Bear. He was a hobo in his 30s. He was pretty cool, actually, come to think of it.

41. How did you discover Shaman King?
Started watching it from the 3rd episode on the FoxBox. Watched it on and off for a few years, got really into it when I got my first Shonen Jump in 6th grade.

42. Do you recommend Shaman king to other people?
All of de time.

43. Are you obsessed with Shaman King?
I'm still a huge fan, but not obsessed like I used to be.

44. WHEN did you first discover Shaman King?
Whenever the 3rd episode aired. First got really into it September 2004.

45. Do you download Shaman King manga?
I just read it off the site. :D

46. Do you download Shaman King anime?
No, it's no worth it.

47. Who is your favorite character?
...wasn't this the first question?

48. Who is your least favorite character?
Uhhh I'm not sure. Maybe Blocken, but then again I don't hate him.

49. Which character do you think is most misunderstood?
Yoh and Hao. By the fans, anyway. Yoh is not vapid and Hao doesn't hate everything for the sake of it.

50. Which character is most under-rated?
Marco. He's really not such a bad guy, you guys. In the KZB he kicked some serious ass.

51. Which character has the worst past?
I'll go with Matamune. That poor cat, man.

52. Do you even like Chocolove?:
Yes, and you should too.

53. Do you hate Marco?
No, I think I just explained that.

54. Do you hate Lily Five (from anime)?
I don't hate them, but they do annoy the shit out of me quite often.

55. Can anyone honestly say they hate Shaman King?:

56. Do you think Yoh deserved to become the Shaman King?:
I think he'd deserve it as much as any of the other characters do.

57. Do you think anyone else deserved to become the Shaman King?:
just answered this

58. Does Kevin's face (not mask) creep you out?:
I died a little on the inside when I first saw it.

59. What do you think of Hao's pants?:
I used to think they were the shit, but now I'm like, "whatever"

60. What do you think of HoroHoro's bandanas?:
Those, my dear sir, are headbands. And they're pretty cool.

67. Should Ryu get a different haircut and outfit?
I think he should do whatever his heart tells him to.

68. Do you think Hao is evil?:
Nah, he just has mommy issues.

69. Do you think Marco is a closet-pedophile?:
What about him struck you as being in the closet?

70. Did you originally think Lyserg was a girl?
No, surprisingly enough.

71. Which character is the best looking?
Ffff prolly Pino or Peyote

72. Which character is the worst looking?
Uhhh... hmm. I have no answer to give. Unless it's Yoh and Hao as babbies or Kevin without his mask on.

73. What was your first impression of Opacho?
D'awww Hao has a soul

74. Is Opacho boy or girl?
Never really mattered to me.

75. What was your first impression of Ryu?
"What a dickead"

76. Do you think Tamao is useless?
Yeah, kinda. I like her though.

77. Which female kicks the most ass?
Hao's mom

78. What is your favorite pairing?
YohxAnna! Also I like BailongxJun and HoroxDamuko despite the necrophilia represented by those last two!

79. What is your least favorite pairing?

80. What pairing makes the least amount of sense?:
I would have enjoyed it if JeannexRen was explained a little bit more, though I guess I see where he's coming from.

81. What do you think about Shaman King yaoi/yuri?:
Once upon a time, it was my lifeblood. Now it kills me everytime I get within 10'.

82. Do you think Marco is secretly depressed and/or suicidal?
If you've read the KZB then I think you'll know the answer to this

83. Do you think Yoh is secretly a genius and just hides it?:
I don't think he's a genius, but there's definitely a lot more to him the he lets on. Like in chapters 140-141. :D (I feel like footnotes)

84. Do you think Ren actually has warm fuzzy feelings for anyone?:
Seeing as how he has a kid and is presumably married, considering the mother....

85. Do you think Marco and Tamurazaki (Manta's butler) are familiars?
Is Marco a powerful warlock?

86. Do you think Yoh and Manta are more then just friends?:
They's biffles

87. Do you WANT them to be more then just friends?:
biffles is fine with me

88. Is Faust obsessed with Manta or what?:
A little. I think it's cute, though.

89. Does Ren secretly lust after HoroHoro?
Uhhh I think just hates him

90. Is Marco secretly lusting over Jeanne?:
Nah, you're thinking of Lyserg.

91. Do you pair up characters fully aware that these are 12 year old kids?:
I did when I was also a 12 year old kid, soooo

92.Or do you make them older just so you won't have that on your conscience?:
Older incarnations of them already exist. Why would I make them older?

93. Do you like Alternative Universe Shaman King fics?:
I don't really like any Shaman King fics.

94. Do you like OC's in SK fics?:
see above
also I think all fan characters are pretty dumb

95. What type of Shaman King fans are the most annoying?:
Not sure. When Shaman King was still big, I think I was the most annoying type of Shaman King fan.

96. Do you get mad at people who like a pairing you hate?:
If it's not canon, yes.

98. What's your favourite Patch?
Thalim. I like him a lot. Silva's pretty cool, too.

99. What's your least favourite Patch?:
Nichrome for being such a whiny little bitch. Rutherfor too for the same reason.

100. Whos your least favourite X-LAWs member?
Uhh idk my bff jill
I guess Venstar. :\

101. What do you think about Mikihisa?
Dear lord I love that man.

102. If you could be any Shaman King character, who would you be?:
I used to pretend to be Yoh. I still kind of look up to him.

103. What weapon would you want?:
I don't know about you guys but I think killing things with a snowboard is pretty cool

104. Say something random about Shaman King or a random Shaman king quote!
"...and that's why I wear a mask!"

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I told myself I wasn't going to do it, but I did

I drew Legal Luke. I feel so ashamed of myself.

Also, surprisingly enough, despite the song lyrics all up on this, I actually owe this picture mostly to the song Boule de Crystal Meth by Malajube. :\

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ink flows through my veinssss

I have found that Roxas is infinitely more  amusing if you scream his name in a rolling Spanish accent.

Look! Pre-KH2 Hollow Bastion fanart! You can't actually tell what it is though because I sort of went crazy with the inking! I might color this! White ink makes kickass shadow bricks!
Sora is sad!

And still more Beast. Does this make me a furry?

Some turkey I drew forever ago for some assignment. It likes Mulan.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sad Ganondorf is Sad

I was reading a sad theory about racism in Zelda games, so here we have WW Ganondorf mourning his people because THAT IS SO SAD AUGH.
You can read the theory here. (be warned- hardcore nerd alert)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Chapter 3 Scene 3 designs! :D

So. Once upon a time, I wrote a webcomic, and--seeing how it's not a porno--I decided that the characters probably shouldn't run around naked.

You may notice the beautiful teeth on Monroe's shirt there. Nice, y/y?

What would have been perfectly good architectural sketches were just ruined by the comparison of my friend and Prussia. Woo!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

school stuff some more fff

Might as well post this here.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Hey guys! I scanned some stuff! Here it is!

I offer no explanation.

The Gunga Diner from Watchmen. I pretty much just copied this from the book... not very creative, but I just wanted to try and put my own spin on it. :B I started inking this. I might finish one day.

Shaman King: Flowers fanart. Somewhere between excited for a continuation of my favorite comic and confused as to why it exists. None the less, expect more fanart.
spoiler*I do love me some Uncle God C:*

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Hey guys, I'm posting this right now to convince myself to stop doodling now and do my homework.

PLAAAAIIIIIDDDDD i love those slippers they make godzilla noises when you walk
I'll probably end up using this somewhere, but it needs more refining first. You can't see any of my luscious acne in this!

Franco-American Alliance of 1778. Good times.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

You'll never guess what game I've been playing

You'll never guess it's impossible


My friend can't believe I've been playing Kingdom Hearts. This is for her. Also, I'm ridiculously proud of this. That hair is almost credible.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Some conceptssss
I really like this new character. Any name suggestions?


Normally I erase my random day-to-day ramblings before I post these pictures on here, but this one just made me laugh so much, bro. SO MUCH.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sometimes I draw random shit.

Hoshi explains his heritage in sloppy handwriting.

Damien and Sven, the dynamic duooooooo
My friend Ellie, the mastermind behind Damien, is in our school's JROTC program. Expect more military Damien. Sven's just along for the ride. >>

Sometimes I just draw things. I have no idea what this is. Canti's rebellious little brother?

OKAY SO my friend Sami always wants me to draw him, and if I don't he'll point to whatever I am drawing and declare that it's him. This is what happened with this picture. This is what he would look like if he were a Canadian fur trapper from the 18th century à la Gaston.
...who hunts beavers.

I was practicing my charicatures the other day in my history class. There was a picture of Lincoln in front of me. Hence.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pardon my French

Yeah, I probably fucked up my French somewhere along the lines, but whatever. I hope the gist was retained, anyway. For those of you who don't speak French, I'm sorry about this. I truly am. >>

Saturday, October 3, 2009


So like, I go to school. I take an art class. In this art class, I am required to keep a class-related sketchbook. (technically I'm also supposed to draw non-class-related stuff in it, but that's lame) This being said, there's some stuff in it. Here's the only stuff in it that I don't hate so far.

I was doing a still life of a pineapple in monochromatic chalk. It was supposed to be a refined still life. I hate refined things, and I hate still lives. This was not a fun project.

A study I did of said still life, trying to get the baic flow and some values and such down. Not surprisingly, I like this a lot better than the finished product. I might upload that one day. Maybe....

More studies. I love these so much ffff
too bad the finished one suckssss (I'll post it when my teacher gives it back, how about that?)

Unrelated to the previous. We had to do a continuos line drawing, and I, having forgotten all about the assignment until the morning before, drew it real quick in my math class. Despite how fast I did it, I still like the way it turned out. Also, I kind of cheated in some places and lifted my pen. Sorry about that. >>

Does anyone else think that the way I drew my math teacher looks like Sawada from Tekkonkinkreet?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The worrllldddddd

Some enviroment sketches and stuff. Not sure how Spock got in there. Ignore him. >>

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Let's get this shit started.

So, I guess it's time for me to get this sketch blog started proper, isn't it. Well, here we go?


Spock is green because, let's face it folks, that's just the only thing that makes sense. I've gotten into Star Trek lately, pretty much out of nowhere. Just when I thought I couldn't get any lower, I become a Trekkie. At least I don't speak Klingon, right?


Some Scott Pilgrim lineart I've had sitting around forever... maybe I'll do something with it someday. Maybe.

A crappy scan of the lineart I plan to use to concoct a new layout for BFK. I half hate this half love it.

Some pages from my sketchbook that were being used for incentives on TopWebcomics. I submit no excuse for either of theses, except that the psych joke mentioned in the second one is that the facial features we associate with beauty in women (bigger eyes, fuller lips, stronger jaws) are actually all manly features, and vice versa, and that humanity is, at it's core, pretty darn gay.

'Kay, that's enough of that. Don't expect these things to be this long most of the time, I just had a fair bit of crap lying around that was clogging my systems. C: