Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Been in a comick-y mood lately.

Too bad nothing productive comes from that. Ho hum. Onwards!

First up is Krasny cavorting with my peeps. Who is Krasny? Next is Axel and Pluto because uhhh IT'S FUCKING ADORABLE even though technically wasn't Pluto just keeping tabs on him or something? I give up. Thennnn a WIP of Squall and Rinoa because I'm a fagit.

Oh FF8 you're so fun but that FUCKING SHIP took me the better part of three days to find. I shit thee not. And then there's the whole thing with the security of Balamb Garden... it really makes me question the people in charge of that place. I mean really, the idea that they would make people like Selphie or Zell SeeDs in the first place is pretty disturbing.

My friends know me too well. And are also nerds. I guess that's why they're my friends?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Moving on but not really

So, how many of you find yourselves reading mythology and suddenly wanting to design your own versions of gods? 'Cuz that happens to me a disturbing amount.

Some Norse gods! My favorite mythology along with Gaelic C: Loki and Thor have the most awesome fucking adventures, man. And no one likes Baldur. >> I really wanted to do Freyr, Freyja, and Sif too buuuutttt I didn't for no real reason. :|

Look! Leigh! I think I'm going to start updating BFK again. Until then, more obscure video game jokes only I will get.

FINAL FANTASY VIII AUGHHH needless to say I'm enjoying it, though Squall is a little bit too much like a certain few of my friends for comfort. I swear to god I have given many of the same speeches Rinoa's given him to my friends before. >:\ Zell is my one true love, though.

Also hey look no Zack Fair this time

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Now I'm posting too often

[8:23:39 PM] Cori Walters: I bought a manga called 'not simple' that I think you'd like
[8:23:44 PM] Lauren: k
[8:23:48 PM] Lauren: can I rad i
[8:23:50 PM] Lauren: read it
[8:23:53 PM] Lauren: DON’T MOCK ME
[8:23:55 PM] Lauren: tomorrow
[8:24:09 PM] Cori Walters: okay I'll bring it but it looks so nice on my shelf
[8:24:26 PM] Lauren: oh, that’s okay then you can leave it
[8:24:35 PM] Lauren: wouldn’t want to disrupt your fucking decor
[8:24:48 PM] Cori Walters: I said I'd bring it, goddman
[8:24:50 PM] Lauren: that was a tad more biting than I intended
[8:24:52 PM] Cori Walters: godman
[8:24:54 PM] Lauren: GODMAN
[8:24:59 PM] Cori Walters: GO GO GO
[8:25:01 PM] Lauren: AT YOUR SERVICE

ANYWAYS this is Jim from said comic mentioned above. I love him to bits and pieces aughhh everyone go out and read not simple by Natsume Ono. You can read the first chapter here. If yo don't, I will find you.

Tsukasa from .hack//SIGN because uhhhh that show is the shit. Also kind of a mindfuck. Also kinda hella scary sometimes. Complete with teenage angst and mad conspiracies! EVERYTHING I LIKE IN ONE SHINY HAPPY PACKAGE



Saturday, April 10, 2010

More KH bla bla bla broken record

I'm going to try and update this thing more often, so there's not the huge image spam thing that's been happening lately.

I finally beat Riku's side of Re:Chain of Memories today. It shows. >>

I honestly can't decide if I love Zexion or hate him. Whatever the case, his book makes me laugh.

More Kingdom Hearts, but Days this time. My testament to HOW FUCKING SCARY THE FINAL BOSS WAS AUGHHH
Except technically Riku was the final final boss, wasn't he? Hrmm.

Zack Fair in a Kingdom Hearts game? Complete with swirly ears? I'm in. Though one does have to wonder why he's not in Radiant Garden. Then again I guess Tidus, Selphie, and Wakka were all on the Destiny Islands, so whatever.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I have replaced my blood with Square Enix.

So, I finally decided to jump on the FF7 bandwagon nearly 13 years after its release. This causes me to be painfully aware of how right all the dumb fangirls and nerdguys are, as this game is SO AWESOME AUGH I WANNA KILL MYSELF. The game itself is pretty much a deconstruction of RPGs, which somehow (thankfully) I had managed to play many of these before I got my hands on this one, both older Final Fantasies and just general RPGs with magical heroes and the like. C'est wunderbar!

 Goddamn I love Reno. I mean, sure this is unsurprising as I love Axel from KH and he's just an expy of Reno (Nomura even said so) but whatever. Especially him and Rude together. YEAH BROMANCE

I mean hell Cid is a captain or whatnot. He should've been the leader from the start!

Tifa's hair looks like a dolphin or something. ANYWAY!
This here then of course then leads to my favorite cutscene ever oh god


Also just putting it out there, but I honestly love Cloud. He's just so damn fun to mock.

And here we have some non-fanart that still manages to be a faggy blond guy with glowing blue eyes. Sorry Sven.
In addition to seven, I've also been playing a lot of FF12 lately. It shows a little too much in this picture. I need to go lie down.