Wednesday, February 24, 2010

hey guys I seem to have fallen in love with MS Paint

Starting off with a bang! And gore! WOO

My ankle hurt like hell today and the pain meds weren't entirely working and I was afraid to take more 'cuz WHOAH NARCOTICS MAN
So you get human!Sven. He's a nice punching bag. Nothing like an exposed jugular to get the blood flowin'.

In a similar vein, here we have a caged Hoshi. I was reading the Buggy arc of One Piece and at some point Luffy ended up in a cage. As usual, I over-analyzed it and found that since I broke my ankle I've pretty much been stuck in a cage myself. What with the five days in a hospital room, and then even after I got home I'm still pretty contained. At least my friends visit me and I have a stable internet connection.

Sketch for an illustration I want to do someday. Lyrics from the song "You're a Wolf" by Seawolf. (great band--look 'im up some time)

Watching a dog show, drew my characters. Herp derp already posted this on dA.

Practice with chins that turned somehow into almost gay. THEY'RE STRAIGHT GUYS I PROMISE.

Proper ref of scruffy adult Hoshi. Yay for body hair!
Remember that one picture I did where I said I made Sven's jacket wrong? Well, I decided to fix it and tone it. I also changed his face to look more like his actual ethnicity. (care to speculate? Hint: he's not Swedish, but you wouldn't be far off)

Monday, February 15, 2010

I still remember about this thing I swear

Another school thing. Need to fix it up, but I really like this one.

Sven some more. Seeing what his costume would look like SAI'd up. (totally jumping the gun at the same time!)
Also I ended up forgetting I changed his jacket but not forgetting I changed his pants, hence the ridiculous hippage.

New coloring style? I really like it. It doesn't necessarilly even have to have the uber saturated colors, that's just the kind of art I was looking at the time. I like the nose/forehead and the hair the best. C:

And of course some of the cream of my proverbial Tegaki crop. In no particular order aside from the one I THOUGHT THEY LOOKED PRETTIEST IN BATS EYELASHES

The Riku one I touched up in PS 'cuz it was way too dark on the original. :B THAT'S WHAT I GET FOR DRAWING WITH MY SCREEN TILTED BACK, I GUESS

And the one on the end there is my homage to Sora and Riku's awesome fist-bump thing they do after you finish a drive attack in KHII because I'm replaying it and shit who saw that coming